Published On: June 10, 2023173 words1 min read

Don’t Let the Hard Days Win

Most days I feel like a fraud. I stumbled across this photo I took on Snapchat a few weeks ago after someone at the grocery store complemented me on my sweatshirt. I had been walking around the store so STUCK IN MY HEAD, that the compliment caught me completely by surprise. I couldn’t even form the words to say thank you because I didn’t snap out of my thoughts quick enough. I took this picture after to laugh at myself, but really I felt like an insecure, awkward weirdo trying too hard to brush it off. This photo caught my attention just now because those are the things I am feeling in this moment. I wish I wouldn’t struggle, but I struggle daily. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is reminding myself of my little sayings on my designs. Don’t let the hard days win, keep going, and, NO MATTER WHAT, I’m grateful I’m alive. Art by: Morgan Mervis 💜💜💜

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