Published On: June 4, 2023169 words0.9 min read

Keep Going

Here’s something I’m struggling with…
I have built my small business with the goal of staying true to myself and being honest about life’s ups and downs. I would rather be myself than care what other people think. The problem I run into is that I still feel the need to be “good enough” to make sales. I have put social media more on the back burner the past two weeks, and as a result my sales have declined dramatically. I started having thoughts of shutting down my business. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART: A wise human told me last night that even if I don’t have many sales, I am still making an impact. This really resonated with me. I don’t know my entire purpose in life, but I know ONE THING: What I care about most is using the pain of my past for good. So I force a smile today, and I show up, and I keep going. 💜 Morgan

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